Information A-Z


Caregivers are expected to inform the school of all absences, including a reason for the absence by telephone or email. Please keep us up to date if the absence is longer than 3 days.

ASCA (Alfredton School Community Association)

Our fundraising team is very active and works hard to raise much needed funds for our school. 


These are usually held on a Friday afternoon. Parents are welcome to join us. 


We aim to have all students attending school at least 90% of the school year. This means that students should ideally have no more than 9 days off school over the course of the year.  We do understand that in some circumstances this is not possible (e.g. Tangi’s, Sickness etc.).

Please remember there is a direct relationship between your child’s regular attendance and their achievement. For each day your child is away from school they will miss a range of learning opportunities and key concepts, that in some cases will be quite difficult for them to catch up. We recommend keeping your child out of school only when it is really necessary.


Positive self esteem, self discipline and responsibility for one’s own actions are encouraged. Certificates are regularly awarded at assemblies. Each term the Principal hosts a morning tea for all students who have received a Principal’s Award that term. Staff follow the Behaviour Management Rubric when dealing with incidents. This is available from the school office.


At present, the buses bring all of the children to and from school. If your child is not on the morning bus you must notify the driver before the run starts. Any changes to afternoon runs must be notified to either the school office or Principal by telephone before 1.30pm. Please be aware that students cannot always be moved to a different bus. Changing buses will be dependent on available seats.

Any issues or complaints about student behaviour on the bus need to be directed to the Principal.


We take parents’ concerns and complaints seriously at Alfredton School.  If you have a concern or complaint the first step to resolving this is to contact the staff member directly, should you not feel comfortable with the outcome of this contact you then need to contact the Principal. The Board Presiding Member should only be contacted if you still feel your complaint has not been addressed. Complaints must be in writing and need to be received by the school as soon as possible after the event. A copy of the concerns and complaints procedure is available in the Board Policies section on this website.


Accidental damage to school property is accounted for in the school-wide budget and insurance.  Deliberate damage to school property will result in the behaviour management procedure being utilised. All deliberate damage of school property will be charged to parents of the students involved.


Alfredton School’s dental services are provided through the Wairarapa branch. Currently parents take their children to Eketahuna School for our dental nurse appointments.


A teacher is out on duty each break. Teachers in the staff room are also available to students to offer support with minor injuries (e.g. scraped knees) and other minor problems if the duty teacher is already busy.


Alfredton School is on the Network for Learning, meaning our students have a safe and managed environment that will prevent them from accessing inappropriate material. We are also part of Linewize which alerts us to internet searches which may be a cause for concern. All students and caregivers must sign an internet agreement. If you have any questions please do call us before signing.


Any student is entitled to be enrolled, with the exception of a child who has been indefinitely suspended from another school. In this case the Board will meet and consider factors pertaining to the individual case, and either accept or decline the enrollment.

An enrolment form must be completed and handed in to the office administrator. When you are enrolling your child we require their enrolment form, internet safety forms, behaviour contracts, publishing/trip permission, birth certificate and immunisation record.  We require all of this to be completed before your child may come for school visits.


General Evacuation Plan and Procedures

  • Should an emergency occur, a designated staff member will raise the alarm (continuous bell for fire – ‘drop’ for earthquake), and students will follow the appropriate drilled procedures.
  • Lockdown areas have been identified for each classroom.
  • Any child with disabilities will be assisted by their designated helper
  • The evacuation plan, in the case of a fire, is displayed in each classroom and office area
  • The Ministry of Education will be advised of all steps taken following an emergency
  • If whanau are notified that the school is in lockdown, they should not try to contact school or come to school.

School Closure or Evacuation

  • It would be usual for the Principal (as general manager) of the school to inform the Board Presiding Member in the first instance, should a situation arise which would affect health, safety or welfare of pupils or staff.
  • The Board Presiding Member or Principal will inform all caregivers as quickly as possible of the school closure or evacuation, by any or all of the following means:-
  • Skool Loop App
  • Radio notice
  • Phone
  • Should the emergency arise during school hours, at least one staff member, or Board member, will remain until all children are collected by a parent or caregiver, and will ensure the school is locked and secure.
  • Regular updates on progress of opening or returning to school will be given by a staff or board member.



In the case of minor accidents the school will provide first aid and contact parents if necessary. For major accidents the school will immediately contact parents and seek medical help if needed.

If students have severe allergies, or known health problems the school will put an action plan in place for the child that will be created with the parent. All inhalers are kept in the child’s classroom either in an orange bag (our younger children) or with the child. Administration details are also stored in the bag.

Students should not attend school if they are sick. If your child has developed a contagious disease (e.g. chickenpox, mumps etc.) you must notify the school as soon as possible and your child will need to be kept home for the required period outlined by the Ministry of Health.

Should your child begin feeling sick whilst at school they will be monitored in the library and you will be contacted to come and collect them.


In 2025 we enrolled all our students in ‘Wai Ako’.  Staff use this online resource to teach te reo and tikanga Maori throughout the week. All students participate in the Bush Schools Cultural Festival. This builds on the Cultural Competencies that are entwined into our curriculum.


We have a well-resourced library at Alfredton School. Tui Room students are able to issue two books at a time, Huia Room can issue three. Tui Room students are to use their book bags to help protect our library resources. The Alfredton Playgroup also uses our school library and borrow books for the children to read at home.


Lost property is stored in a bin outside the principal’s office. It would greatly reduce our lost property if all children’s clothes were named.


The school has no provision for bought lunches. Lunches should be healthy foods, and drinks are to be water only. We discourage the inclusion of sweets, chocolate or lollies. All students are required to sit and eat for the first ten minutes of each break.

In the colder months we offer to heat hot lunches Monday to Thursday. Food should be wrapped in tinfoil and clearly named.  We are unable to microwave food, or add boiling hot water to food as this is a health and safety issue.


Children do not require money at school unless it is requested by the school for some event. Please ensure that any money sent is in an envelope, clearly labelled with the child’s name. The school is unable to accept responsibility for monies that are lost or stolen outside the office.


Please contact the school office at least a term before your child is 5. We can then arrange school visits and the class teachers can meet with you to answer your questions and to discuss the start of school life for your child.


The school has an open door policy. This means we encourage parents to come and talk to staff about your child’s learning.

Staff are always willing to meet with parents to discuss their child’s progress. Please contact the staff member directly to organise a time that suits you both. Staff can often accommodate meetings before or after school and occasionally throughout the day.


It is important that parents ensure the school has up to date and accurate contact information – both for the parents themselves and two additional emergency contacts (we will always endeavour to contact parents first in the event of an emergency).


At the start of your child’s time at school you will be asked to sign a general permission slip giving the school the right to take your child off the school grounds, publish their work or photos in the newsletter/website, provide your child with internet access and emails and lastly to have your child’s name and photograph published in local newsletters.

You will always be notified of classroom trips but will not generally be required to fill out a permission slip.

There are odd occasions that we will send home permissions slips for events – often when we are requiring parent help.  There will always be a return date noted in the letter accompanying the permission slip.  Please ensure these are returned as promptly as possible.


Teachers use Class Dojo to keep you updated on your child’s learning throughout the year. During the school year there are several formal times for parents to also be informed about their child’s progress and achievement. They are as follows:

Term Two

Mid Year Reports and Learning Conversations

Term Four

End of year reports


Our school is aiming to become a zero waste school. At this stage we are recycling almost 90% of our school’s waste. To help support our efforts we ask that parents consider purchasing re-usable food containers rather than using products such as glad wrap or lunch paper.


The school day starts at 9.00am and goes through to 2.45pm in the afternoon.  The school buses leave school from 2.50pm onwards.

First break is 10.30 – 11am

Second Break is 1pm – 1.40pm


Each week we email out a newsletter. A printed copy can be sent home if requested. You can also access it via Skool Loop or the school website. If you would like anything included in the newsletter you will need to have this to the office by 3pm on a Tuesday.


The office is attended Monday to Wednesday from 8am through to 3:30pm. The phones will be regularly checked on Thursday and Friday.

All policies, procedures, strategic plans and recent Board Minutes are available for viewing at the school office and on our website. You are also able to collect recent copies of the newsletter. 


Our school vision is to grow students into inquiring, confident, adaptable learners who are well prepared to reach their full potential.

At Alfredton School we aim to be MIGHTY oaks. These values are important to the staff, students and our community. 

Motivated to always do our best

Inclusive and accepting of difference

Giving respect to people and our environment

Honesty and Integrity in all we say and do

Teamwork, collaboration and co-operation

You persevere and show resilience


We run a variety of school wide events over the course of the year.  Some of these include: Pets Day & Senior class stalls, School Production, Christmas Tree Evening (End of Year celebration/Prize giving)

School events are always advertised in the school newsletter.


Teachers are not permitted to send students home except under special circumstances. Special circumstances include illness or injury, or by special arrangement of a parent request for the student to attend a special appointment. In all other circumstances students are not permitted to leave the school grounds until 2.45pm. In all cases the office must be informed.


All students must wear a hat when involved in outdoor activities during Terms 1 and 4 (playtime, lunchtime, sport trips, camps etc). It is preferable for students to wear brimmed hats, as these protect the ears and neck as well.

SPF+30 Broad Spectrum sunscreen will be available for students and its use encouraged, especially on high risk days.


Classroom programs cater for a diverse range of students within the regular classroom program. Our SENCO works closely with parents, staff and outside agencies to ensure that all children’s needs are catered for. Any changes in needs that become apparent as a result of on-going assessment of all children will be addressed.


Alfredton School’s students are involved in a wide range of sports within school. They have opportunities to compete in 7-a-side tournaments, swimming, hockey, athletics, road races & cross countries. 


The normal swimming season runs from December to March. Children are not allowed to be in the pool or the pool surrounds without teacher supervision.

Each swim season parents and local community members are able to purchase a school pool code from the office. This is advertised in our school newsletter.


Theft, or suspected theft will be notified to a teacher or office administrator as soon as possible after it occurs. Ultimately the staff cannot accept responsibility for lost or stolen property.


ASCA provides each child at school with a sports uniform and a tracksuit to wear for different school events. Uniforms are distributed at the start of each school year and need to be returned to school at the end of the school year clean and tidy. If the uniforms are not returned a new one will not be given out and parents will be charged for the replacement uniforms.